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Getting enough water is critical to health. It helps flush out toxins and support all of the body's systems. But how much is enough? Sure. We all know the standard of 8 8oz. glasses, but aren't people all different shapes and sizes? Sure. This might be a good starting point, but how can the same amount of water be good for everyone? So here is a better ratio 1 oz of Water for every 2 pounds. 

Take Your Body Weight / Divide by 2

number is how many ounces of water.

140 pounds / 2 = 70 ounces of water.

Remember to Add 1 8 oz glass for very hour of yard work or exercise workout

Do you know the signs for dehydration?

Our body gives us warning signs that we need more water. Here are some of the more common ones

 - Thirst
 - Dry Skin
 - Digestive Problems
 - Constipation
 - Dry Eyes
 - Reduced Urination
 - Premature Aging
 - Hunger Pains

Good Hydration is more than just drinking water. 
CLICK For more tips on SMART Hydration.