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This week in our office we are talking about Staying Fit as You Age. When we think of fitness, we don’t often think of “spinal health”, but shouldn’t we? Our brain and spine are the first organs formed. They are the only ones encased in bone. And they are involved in nearly every function of our body! Typically we think of “getting old” as something that may keep us from what we want to do or as a condition of the body. But I’ve known 30 year olds who are suffering from pain and disease. I’ve known 80 year olds who can run circles around me (at 36). We find there is a stronger correlation between the phase of spinal degeneration and overall health/activity than simply being a “symptom” of aging. So let’s look at this differently: How Fit Is Your Spine?

Most patients come to us in pain, but chiropractic is about more than that. It is about overall health. In our office, we take a complete patient history and full orthopedic, neurological, chiropractic examination. We often recommend x-rays because they give us a visual image of what is actually going on bones and joints. Over time stresses can cause degeneration and decay in the spine and vertebrae and when combined with subluxation, or movement, can cause pain or affect nerve function. Keep reading so see what phase you might be in.

During Phase 1 of Degeneration the spine loses normal balance and curvature. Nerves and nerve function may be affected. As degeneration of the spine occurs, it may affect joints, discs, nerves and posture by stressing and aging more quickly. In this phase, there may not be any pain other than minor discomfort. A slight lessening of energy and height loss may occur.

This phase can happen as early as childhood and progresses due to lifestyle, work, stress, level of exposure to toxins and other environmental factors. We love seeing children in our office for this very reason. Children are hard on their bodies and they may have subluxations or degeneration and parents may not see any signs or symptoms. But by removing subluxations we help them grow up straight and strong and help prevent spine and disc degeneration. If this phase is not treated it will progress to phase 2.

In Phase 2 of Degeneration is there is evidence of spinal decay, disc narrowing and bone spurs, postural changes are much more noticeable. Did you know that by age 40 80 percent of males and 76 percent of females exhibit moderate disc degeneration? Spine canal narrowing, or stenosis, may occur. In this phase, patients notice more common aches and pains, fatigue, and a diminished ability to cope with stress. Height will continue to decrease. If this phase is not treated it will progress into phase 3.

Many adults that we see in our office are in Phase 2 of Degeneration. Our patients see a lot of success with our treatments. Chiropractic adjustment help increase nerve function by relieving stresses on the body. We can manage and treat disc spacing with spinal decompression and traction therapies. We help stretch and retrain the muscles with massage therapy. We also have many of our patients work with our Licensed Athletic Trainer to isolate and strengthen the weaker muscles with stretching and exercise. By offering all of these services together, we can treat the whole problem with a well-balance and multi-dimensional approach is in the best interest of our patients.

In Phase 3 of Degeneration postural imbalances are much more noticeable as well as increased nerve damage, advanced bone deformation and we find permanent spinal scar tissue. Physical and/or mental weakness or disability begin. Individuals in the phase fine continued height and energy loss. Patients with this phase can see improvement and reversal in symptoms. If this is not treated, it will progress into phase 4.

In Phase 4 of Degeneration we find postural imbalances are severe, motion is limited and there may be lasting nerve damage and scar tissue. Bones may begin to fuse. Physical pain is often present as well as various degrees of physical or mental disability and loss of energy and height. Chiropractic treatment may still offer symptomatic relief and limited correction.

Sadly, there is danger in doing nothing, just waiting for symptoms to get better. The earlier you see a chiropractor the better. It is important to mention that pain is not a good indicator of health. We’ve all seen the person that says they feel fine, but they look like “death warmed-over”. We all know someone who seemed perfectly healthy, but was diagnosed with cancer or had a heart attack. True health comes from within the frame itself. By removing the interference and allowing the body to connect at its highest level creates optimum function and allows the body to adapt to stress. 

Are you looking for a natural alternative to health or if you are in pain, call 268-3400 to schedule your new patient visit. If you are ready to make a change, there is no better time. We are accepting New Patients! 

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